# Options for mosquitto_sub & mosquitto_pub USER= PASS= HOST= PORT=1883
# Define a location LOCATION="ihome"
# Define device name DEVICE_NAME="dafang"
# Define the base topic used by the camera # send a message to myhome/dafang/set with the payload help for help. # Results will be placed in myhome/dafang/${command} or topic/dafang/error - so please subscribe topic/dafang/# for testing purposes # 从这里我们可以知道最终的 topic 是 ihome/dafang TOPIC="$LOCATION/$DEVICE_NAME"
# Define an autodiscovery prefix, if autodiscovery is desired: # AUTODISCOVERY_PREFIX="homeassistant"
# Define additional options for Mosquitto here. # For example --cafile /system/sdcard/config/DST_Root_CA_X3.pem --tls-version tlsv1 # or use a special id to connect to brokers like azure MOSQUITTOOPTS=""
# Add options for mosquitto_pub like -r for retaining messages MOSQUITTOPUBOPTS=""
# Send a mqtt statusupdate every n seconds STATUSINTERVAL=30
# Define whether you would like to have light level exposed (by hardware sensor og virtual calcuations). # If the device doesn't come with a hardware sensor, your only option is to use 'virtual'. # # Options: # hw = Use 'hw' if the device has build in hardware light sensor. For more details, see . See issue eg. #1120 for more details... # virtual = Use 'virtual' calculations, based on the lightlevel on the image, also known as ISP exposure (from /proc/jz/isp/isp_info) # false = Use 'false' (default) to DISABLE the topic (It will not publishing details about light level) LIGHT_SENSOR="false" AUTODISCOVERY_PREFIX="dafang"