@api 被 @api 标记后, 会解析成 api 文档
1 @api {method} path [title]
Name Description method Request method name: DELETE
, … More info Wikipedia HTTP-Request_methods path Request Path. titleoptional A short title. (used for navigation and article header)
1 2 3 /** * @api {get} /user/:id 获取用户详情 */
@apiDefine 用来定义全局描述, 比如服务器内部错误描述, 权限描述等
1 @apiDefine name [title] [description]
Name Description name Unique name for the block / value. Same name with different @apiVersion
can be defined. titleoptional A short title. Only used for named functions like @apiPermission
or @apiParam (name)
. descriptionoptional Detailed Description start at the next line, multiple lines can be used. Only used for named functions like @apiPermission
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /** * @apiDefine MyError * @apiError UserNotFound The <code>id</code> of the User was not found. */ /** * @api {get} /user/:id * [下面引入全局定义] * @apiUse MyError */
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /** * @apiDefine admin User access only * This optional description belong to to the group admin. */ /** * @api {get} /user/:id * [下面引入全局定义] * @apiPermission admin */
@apiDescription 用于定义接口描述信息
Name Description text Multiline description text.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 /** * @api {get} /user/{id} 获取用户详情 * @apiDescription 接口描述信息 * 可以有多行 * @apiUse MyError * @apiPermission admin */
@apiError 定义错误的描述信息
1 @apiError [(group)] [{type}] field [description]
Name Description (group)optional All parameters will be grouped by this name. Without a group, the default Error 4xx
is set. {type}optional Return type, e.g. {Boolean}
, {Number}
, {String}
, {String[]}
(array of strings), … field Return Identifier (returned error code). descriptionoptional Description of the field.
@apiErrorExample 错误信息示例
1 @apiErrorExample [{type}] [title] example
Name Description typeoptional Response format. titleoptional Short title for the example. example Detailed example, multilines capable.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /** * @api {get} /user/{id} 获取用户详情 * @apiDescription 接口描述信息 * 可以有多行 * @apiUse MyError * @apiPermission admin * @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found * { * "error": "UserNotFound" * } */
@apiExample api 请求示例
1 2 @apiExample [{type}] title example
Name Description typeoptional Code language. title Short title for the example. example Detailed example, multilines capable.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 /** * @api {get} /user/{id} 获取用户详情 * @apiDescription 接口描述信息 * 可以有多行 * @apiUse MyError * @apiPermission admin * @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found * { * "error": "UserNotFound" * } * @apiExample {curl} Example usage: * curl -i http://dev.yyyyy.com/test/api/user/1024 */
@apiGroup 定义方法文档块属于哪个组。组将用于生成输出中的主导航。结构定义不需要 @apigroup
Name Description name Name of the group. Also used as navigation title.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 /** * @api {get} /user/{id} 获取用户详情 * @apiDescription 接口描述信息 * 可以有多行 * @apiGroup User * @apiUse MyError * @apiPermission admin * @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found * { * "error": "UserNotFound" * } * @apiExample {curl} Example usage: * curl -i http://dev.yyyyy.com/test/api/user/1024 */
描述传递给 API 头部的参数,例如用于授权。
1 @apiHeader [(group)] [{type}] [field=defaultValue] [description]
Usage: @apiHeader (MyHeaderGroup) {String} authorization Authorization value.
Name Description (group)optional All parameters will be grouped by this name. Without a group, the default Parameter
is set. You can set a title and description with @apiDefine . {type}optional Parameter type, e.g. {Boolean}
, {Number}
, {String}
, {String[]}
(array of strings), … field Variablename. [field] Fieldname with brackets define the Variable as optional. =defaultValueoptional The parameters default value. descriptionoptional Description of the field.
1 2 3 4 5 /** * @api {get} /user/:id * @apiHeader {String} Content-Type=application/json 浏览器以 json 方式发送数据给服务器 * @apiHeader {String} Accept=application/json;charset=UTF-8 浏览器接收 json 数据 */
使用 @apiDefine 定义全局 header 描述
1 2 3 4 5 /** * @apiDefine Header * @apiHeader {String} Content-Type=application/json 浏览器以 json 方式发送数据给服务器 * @apiHeader {String} Accept=application/json;charset=UTF-8 浏览器接收 json 数据 */
引入 header 描述
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 /** * @api {get} /user/{id} 获取用户详情 * @apiDescription 接口描述信息 * 可以有多行 * @apiGroup User * @apiUse MyError * @apiPermission admin * @apiUse Header * @apiErrorExample {json} Error-Response: * HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found * { * "error": "UserNotFound" * } * @apiExample {curl} Example usage: * curl -i http://dev.yyyyy.com/test/api/user/1024 */
header 参数 示例
1 2 @apiHeaderExample [{type}] [title] example
Name Description typeoptional Request format. titleoptional Short title for the example. example Detailed example, multilines capable.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /** * @apiDefine Header * @apiHeader {String} Content-Type=application/json 浏览器以 json 方式发送数据给服务器 * @apiHeader {String} Accept=application/json;charset=UTF-8 浏览器接收 json 数据 * @apiHeaderExample {json} Header-Example: * { * "Content-Type": "Content-Type:application/json", * "Accept": "Accept:application/json;charset=UTF-8" * } */
@apiIgnore 用于定义未完成的接口描述, 不会被显示出来必须在 @api 之前定义
Usage: @apiIgnore Not finished Method
Name Description hintoptional Short information why this block should be ignored.
1 2 3 4 /** * @apiIgnore Not finished Method * @api {get} /user/:id */
@apiName 定义方法文档块的名称。将在生成的输出中使用子导航名。结构定义不需要 @apiName
Name Description name Unique name of the method. Same name with different @apiVersion
can be defined. Format: method + path (e.g. Get + User), only a proposal, you can name as you want.
1 2 3 4 /** * @api {get} /user/:id * @apiName GetUser */
@apiParam 描述传递给 API 方法的参数
Usage: @apiParam (MyGroup) {Number} id Users unique ID.
Name Description (group)optional 可定义一个 group ,用于抽象出公共的参数 ()表示可以不用定义 group {type}optional 参数类型 {type{size}}optional 参数长度 {string{..5}}
{type=allowedValues}optional 参数允许的值 {string="small"}
{string {..5}="small","huge"}
field 字段名称 [field=defaultValueoptional] 参数默认值 (有一个默认标识) [] 标识有一个可选标识 descriptionoptional 字段描述
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 /** * @api {get} /user/:id * @apiParam {Number} id Users unique ID. */ /** * @api {post} /user/ * @apiParam {String} [firstname] Optional Firstname of the User. * @apiParam {String} lastname Mandatory Lastname. * @apiParam {String} country="DE" Mandatory with default value "DE". * @apiParam {Number} [age=18] Optional Age with default 18. * * @apiParam (Login) {String} pass Only logged in users can post this. * In generated documentation a separate * "Login" Block will be generated. */
@apiParamExample 请求参数示例
1 2 @apiParamExample [{type}] [title] example
Name Description typeoptional Request format. titleoptional Short title for the example. example Detailed example, multilines capable.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 /** * @api {get} /user/:id * @apiParamExample {json} Request-Example: * { * "id": 4711 * } */
@apiPermission 定义接口权限
Name Description name Unique name of the permission.
1 2 3 4 /** * @api {get} /user/:id * @apiPermission none */
@apiPrivate 将 API 定义为私有的,允许创建两个 API 规范文档:一个不包含私有 api,另一个包含它们。
Usage: @apiPrivate
Command line usage to exclude/include private APIs: --private false|true
1 2 3 4 /** * @api {get} /user/:id * @apiPrivate */
如果需要包含私有接口 使用一下命令
1 apidoc -i . -o apidoc/ --private true
@apiSampleRequest 定义是否显示接口调用相关部分 在与 apidoc.json 配置参数 [ sampleurl ]结合使用此参数
如果在 apidoc.json
定义了 sampleUrl
, 全部的 api 都会有一个测试表单 如果没有定义 sampleUrl
字段, 只有标识了 @apiSampleRequest
的接口才会有测试表单 如果定义了 sampleUrl
字段, api 中也有 @apiSampleRequest url
, 且 url 已 http 开头, 则 api 的 url 会覆盖全局的 sampleUrl
如果定义了 sampleUrl
字段, 但是某个 api 不需要测试表单, 则可以使用 @apiSampleRequest off
定义 package.json 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 { "name": "xxx-api", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "xxx-api 接口文档", "apidoc": { "title": "", "url" : "", "sampleUrl":"http://dev.yyyyy.com/test/api" } }
所有 api 都会出现 测试表单
同时定义测试 url, 且 @apiSampleRequest
已 http 开头, 则会覆盖 sampleUrl
1 @apiSampleRequest
如果 @apiSampleRequest
只是定义 URI, 则会组合 apiSampleRequest 和 sampleUrl, 生成最终的 测试地址
@apiSuccessExample 定义正确的返回结果
1 2 @apiSuccessExample [{type}] [title] example
Name Description typeoptional Response format. titleoptional Short title for the example. example Detailed example, multilines capable.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 /** * @apiDefine CODE_200 调用成功 * @apiSuccess (Reponse 200) {number} code 200 * @apiSuccess (Reponse 200) {json} [data='""'] * @apiSuccessExample {json} Response 200 Example * HTTP/1.1 200 OK * { * "rescode": 1200, * "message": "操作成功", * "timestamp": 1513920968552 * } */
@apiUse 定义 使用 @apiDefine
Usage: @apiUse MySuccess
Name Description name Name of the defined block.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 /** * @apiDefine MySuccess * @apiSuccess {string} firstname The users firstname. * @apiSuccess {number} age The users age. */ /** * @api {get} /user/:id * @apiUse MySuccess */
@apiVersion 定义 api 版本, 可用于对比不同的版本变化
Usage: @apiVersion 1.6.2
1 2 3 4 /** * @api {get} /user/{id} * @apiVersion 1.6.2 */
历史版本需要拷贝的 -apidoc.js 文件中